How We Help Our Clients Find
Relief, Support, and Solutions

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
– Aristotle

Life has its challenges

Like the rest of us, you’re getting older every day.

Hey, it’s better than the alternative! But getting older has its challenges.

It isn’t easy to navigate the variety of new life situations that come your way. Little kids and aging parents pull you back and forth, leaving you torn between meeting everyone’s needs as well as your own.

Loved ones and friends with declining health, limited income, and loneliness surround you.

As an empty nester, it’s easy to lose your identity and a sense of purpose.

It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves
-Francois de La Rochefoucauld

In the event of a loss of cabin pressure

You’re on that airplane ride again – and you hear the flight attendant say, “Secure your oxygen mask first – before assisting others.”

Yet, as parents and caregivers, time and time again, we don’t take care of ourselves first. When “helping” seems to leave little time for anything else, the result is quite often feelings of exhaustion, frustration, and anger.

And the nosedive falls toward feeling ineffective, helpless, or hopeless. Recognizing the lack of balance in your life can help you to receive the support you truly need.

Supporting you at every stage

We created Wisdom of the Aged out of love for seniors – their stories, wisdom, and hearts – and out of deep respect for their experiences.

We were allowed to be of service after serving in numerous roles in skilled nursing facilities, including discharge planning on a sub-acute unit. We began working in Assisted Living Facilities, providing supportive counseling to help seniors work through the transitions and changes in their lives.

As Wisdom of the Aged grew, we recognized that parents and families  needed more support. Counseling & Holistic Therapies was born, and through it, we can offer programs, services, and support that you need.

Experts in aging well –

Our team of professionals can support you through every transition of life.

When you call, our friendly staff will answer between 9 AM and 4 PM; otherwise, we will return your call by the next business day.

When we connect, our priority is to determine which one of our professional staff members would fit your needs and schedule a 20-minute consultation.

You are welcome here… no matter what stage in life’s journey you are in, you are not alone.

Seeking to find solutions to balance your life, help you care for yourself as well as others, or supportive counseling to feel heard and validated?

Perhaps it’s time to complete life-care planning with practical knowledge of the health care system eliminating information overload.

Maybe Neurofeedback Services would interest you.

You will feel invited, heard, seen, and supported.

On a lighter note, life is serious enough, so we like to add a touch of humor, compassion, and hugs (if you are agreeable.)

Ready to feel heard, seen, supported and find balance? Please give us a call today – (631) 736-7707.